Video: Catholic Guilt - Nothing...

Last week, Melbourne punk/alternative rock band, Catholic Guilt, released the fifth and final single from their EP, This Is What Honesty Sounds Like! Titled “Nothing…”, the song is a lyrical reflection on the passing of an influential loved one.

“‘Nothing...’ was initially inspired by the death of my Pop, but as the writing process unfolded, I realized that it contained elements of all of the grieving that I’ve had to do throughout my life, not just this specific passing,” says vocalist, Brenton Harris. “In that sense, it is as much a rumination on the grieving process as a whole, as it is a fitting tribute to an influential figure in my life and the lives of my immediate family. Grief is something that is unavoidable as a human being, we all have to live through it and we all grow from the lessons that it teaches us. It is painful growth, but each time you go through it you come to appreciate that there can be great power and beauty in our mortality.“

Brenton’s explanation can be seen through this visual in their music video. I can’t wait to see Catholic Guilt later this year at FEST! You can listen to their episode of The Keep It Posi Podcast HERE.

Their EP, This Is What Honesty Sounds Like is out NOW via Wiretap Records!