Song: Buckley's Angel - Exit Culture

Buckley's Angel is the moniker of LA multi-instrumentalist Michael Kelly (Ash Williams, Matt Caskitt & The Breaks). Since 2015, Buckley's Angel has grown into a full band using help from a small group of friends to help bring' ideas to fruition.

Buckley’s Angel recently released “Exit Culture”, an indie-pop song looking at the weaknesses of the U.S. as well as the awakening effects the global pandemic had on people as they lived through it.

"I started writing this song as everything was really ramping up last summer and the stress fractures of the country really started to bulge,” says Kelly. “I tried to put to words the mixture of feelings I had about what I was witnessing all around me - from the pure financial panic of millions to a formless dread and anxiety we all feel at least once or twice a day. I wrote this song to try to put some sort of rationality and finality to what I feel is the logical endpoint of current economic/societal arrangements."

“Exit Culture” is off the upcoming release Pinnacle Room, which will be available in August!