Video: The Aquadolls - Disappearing Girl

This past Friday, Southern California's indie punk trio, The Aquadolls, released a new single titled "Disappearing Girl" via Enci Records!

If this band had been around during the making of MTV’s Daria, I’m sure this song could have ended on the soundtrack, especially with that intro!

"‘Disappearing Girl’ is about not being able to put yourself first while in a relationship,” says lead singer, Melissa Brooks. “No matter how much the other person wants to reach you they can’t, and you continue to drift apart until the relationship fizzles out into a distant dream.”

As the trio is spending time promoting new music, you can’t count out the live shows they have scheduled. They’re supporting Jimmy Eat World at Chicago's Metro on July 31st and have appearances at LollapaloozaBeachlife Festival, and Ohana Festival in August and September!

Looking forward to hearing more new music from this group!