Video: Dying Wish - Until Mourning Comes

Portland-based hardcore five-piece band, Dying Wish recently released a new single titled “Until Mourning Comes” off their upcoming album, Fragments of a Bitter Memory, which will be out on October 1st via SharpTone Records!

To coincide with the release of their single, the band has also released a music video for it.

“‘Mourning’ is written about a family friend who passed away tragically in a plane crash last year,” says lead vocalist, Emma Boster. “We were in the studio writing the record when my cousin called me with the news. I spent the rest of the night on the phone with my family in absolute shock over the passing of such a kind, bright, and loving young man. My friend’s death happened just a few days after Riley from Power Trip had passed and I had been watching the outpour of heartbreak within the hardcore and metal communities over Riley’s passing. I felt really compelled to write a song about the passing of someone gone too soon that leaves such an incredible impact on our lives. It felt like now more than ever it was relatable because of how many people out there had lost a loved one due to the pandemic or the toll it takes on us.”

Equality, dignity, and self-determination are themes in Dying Wish’s music as the band aligns themselves with battle for liberation, encompassing the issues affecting BIPOC, the environment, policing, and more intersectional causes. Dying Wish makes music aimed at uniting, but without compromise.

Fragments of a Bitter Memory is available for pre-orders now!