Video: Talker - Don't Want You To Love Me

LA-based artist, talker, recently released a new song titled “Don't Want You To Love Me” and it’s off In Awe Of Insignificance, a new EP that will be out on March 25th! To celebrate, talker is also sharing a music video for the single!

"When your past shows up to haunt you, you have to decide if you’re going to open the door,” says Celeste, the artist behind talker. “And when someone comes back, you have to weigh the options and decide if you’re willing to put yourself through the ringer again for them. It’s easy to just block anything that knocks you off your course. A classic he loves me/he loves me not/will they/won't they - but sometimes you have to silence your rational thoughts and trust your emotions. This song is me doing exactly that."

You can pre-order the EP HERE.