Video: Nathan Leigh & The Crisis Actors - No Poetry (Featuring Noie)

Nathan Leigh & The Crisis Actors show no signs of slowing down in the new year and this Friday, January 28th, they are releasing their forthcoming remix album, All Myths Are Remixes! They recently released the lead single along with a music video! You can check out “No Poetry” featuring Noie now!

“‘No Poetry’ came out of feeling frustrated with the ways people romanticize struggle,” says Leigh. “Especially as artists, sometimes there’s this idea that without suffering your art has no meaning and conversely that having suffered gives your art inherent meaning–or worse, financial value. The stories we tell ourselves about how our struggles made us stronger are necessary because they help us cope with trauma, but that doesn’t mean trauma is ever a good thing. The song is me saying just having survived is enough. It doesn’t need to be more than that. The album version is a duet between me and longtime bandmate Noie. For the remix, I really wanted to showcase her contributions, so the vocals are all performed by her and my bassist Corey. It’s a weird feeling when muting your own parts improves a song, but here we are.”

To keep up with Nathan Leigh & The Crisis Actors, you can visit