Song: Lammping - Everlasting Moor

Toronto’s celebrated purveyors of psych-rock, Lammping, recently released “Everlasting Moor”,  the first single from their forthcoming release, Stars We Lost, due out March 5th via We Are Busy Bodies!

Discussing the meaning behind the song, vocalist Mikhail Galkin says, “‘Everlasting Moor’ begins with ‘See a man, he's popping and locking in a parkette gazebo.’ I saw a dude one afternoon doing just that, at a small parkette close to my house, where I bring my daughter to play. He brought a boombox and was just breakdancing by himself in this little gazebo, with no one around. For whatever reason that sparked a stream of consciousness song that was about finding our place in the world, and if unable to, creating a world in your mind you feel at home in. I've always wanted to write a song about my own immigrant experience, and after the first line, the words just spilled out.”

Stars We Lost, is a collection of 70’s soaked space-rock bangers for fans of Black Sabbath, Blue Cheer, Spacemen 3, Stereolab, De La Soul, Kraftwerk, and Hawkwind! That’s pretty eclectic!

You can pre-order Stars We Lost HERE.