Album: Jagwar Twin - 33


Photo by Josh Hubberman

Last Friday, Jagwar Twin released their sophomore album, 33 via Big Loud Rock! 33 encourages listeners to truly see, accept, value, and trust who they truly are.

"I’ve been thinking a lot about why we tell stories, why every civilization had myths and tales that were told and how those stories came to represent cultures,” explains Roy English, the brains behind Jagwar Twin, “How these stories have shifted in an ever more digitally-connected world and yet an ever decreasingly human-connected world. We are the stories we tell ourselves and share with the world. These stories ultimately shape how we live and can add more meaning and purpose in being shared. I wanted to pass along some stories that are true to who I am and in a lot of ways who I think we all are. May we all find strength, spirit and most importantly ourselves in each other. Reclaim your crown!"

33 is driven by songs like ”Happy Face”, “It’s Your Time,” “Soul is a Star,” “Down to You,” and “The Circle”.

To keep up with Jagwar Twin online, you can do so here:
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