Video: SUCKERPUNCH! - Nightcalls


Photo courtesy of SUCKERPUNCH!

Montreal-based pop punk powerhouse, SUCKERPUNCH! released their new single, "Nightcalls” this past Friday!

"Nightcalls” is filled to the brim with bouncy energy and capitalizes on nostalgic elements. For fans of Blink-182 and Sum 41, "Nightcalls" is the perfect soundtrack for a sweet summer day, giving listeners a raw and feisty taste of punky vigor.

“Nightcalls was written in 2021, when essentially all of Canada was locked down,” says the band. “We wore masks in the studio and social distanced. It was a really unique experience, that we hope not to have to recreate on the next recording. The one thing that became apparent, is that this band likes to make lemonade out of lemons. The world was shut down and we wanted to write about going out. The general population was down and we wanted to make an upbeat and fun song . We were longing for live shows, mosh pits and sing alongs and we tried to capture that vibe with the song. Lyrically we had the same approach. Wanting the world to be back to normal, we tried to wish that into existence by inspiring ourselves of crazy nights partying and the inevitable late night calls that come with it.”

SUCKERPUNCH! has created it’s own blend of punk that will get music fans’ attention that are spread throughout different parts of the pop punk spectrum.

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