Song: Paradise Row - Null & Void


Photo courtesy of Paradise Row

Last week, London-based alternative quartet, Paradise Row, released a new single titled "Null & Void”!

Guitarist, Sam Hill wrote “Null & Void” during a period of time he spent sofa surfing. He details how it dives into the gnawing aggravation of being on the receiving end of unsolicited advice – especially when the recipient is perfectly happy with their choices and the way they are. “‘Null & Void’ is inspired by the fact that everywhere I seemed to go, I’d meet someone trying to tell me that I’m on the wrong path or that I need to fix the way I live and see the world,” he shares. “From street preachers showing concern for my soul or just people I meet on a daily basis who find my happiness aggravating, everyone likes to put their two pence into how I need to be improved or saved. Lyrically, ‘Null & Void’ is my message to those people. It’s me saying that I’m fine the way I am. If my happiness annoys you then I’m going to laugh you off and flaunt it in your face.”

To keep up with Paradise Row online, you can follow them on social media and digital streaming platforms:
Instagram | Spotify | YouTube