Album: Nick Leng - Spirals


Photo courtesy of Nick Leng

Last Friday, alternative/R&B artist, Nick Leng released his latest album, SPIRALS, via SOTA Records!

Nick Leng crafts music, often piano-led and supported by his breathtaking vocals. When Leng describes his music, he often refers to color. “I like dissonance, tension,” he says, “but also, joy and beauty are so important to me.”

Nick’s last album, LEMONS, was themed around loss—a failed romance, constant itinerancy, the disconsolate reality of friend’s death. In SPIRALS, those demons didn’t simply vanish—but they did finally dissipate. “There’s a lot of romance in the record,” he says, beaming over the soulmate he met mid-Spiral.

To keep up with Nick Leng online, you can do so here:
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