Photos: Tiny Stills, Typesetter, Divided Heaven, and Bradley Palermo at The Satellite

Who goes out on a school night to attend a show with a late start time? [[raises hand]]

Wednesday, April 24th at The Satellite was where it was at. The lineup was stacked and included quality tunes from Bradley Palermo, Divided Heaven, Typesetter, and Tiny Stills! Posi times were had all around for both fans and the bands.

To keep up with everyone, PLEASE give them a follow on social media. Everyone is working on some great stuff!

Bradley Palermo (for fans of Dave Hause, Chuck Ragan)

Facebook: Bradley Palermo

Twitter: @palermo_bradley

Instagram: @bradleypalermo

Latest release: Bradley Palermo, Volume 1

Divided Heaven (for fans of Ryan Adams, The Replacements)

Facebook: Divided Heaven

Twitter: @dividedheaven

Instagram: @dividedheaven

Latest release: Cold War Hangover EP (Paper + Plastick Records)

Typesetter (for fans of Western Settings, Nightmarathons)

Facebook: Typesetter

Twitter: @typesetterCHI

Instagram: @typesetterband

Latest release: Nothing Blues (6131 Records)

Tiny Stills (for fans of Sundressed, Farewell Continental)

Facebook: Tiny Stills

Twitter: @tinystills

Instagram: @tinystills

Latest release: Laughing Into The Void