Episode 74 - Eric Urbach (States of Nature)

The guest for episode 74 of The Keep It Posi Podcast is Eric Urbach of States of Nature, a post-hardcore/rock band out of Northern California. Last month, the band digitally released Songs To Sway, which is made up of EPs and some new songs. In October, I got to talk with Eric about the release, how music shaped him early on in his life, Metallica, and tons more. Songs To Sway is out now digitally and available for pre-order on vinyl via:

This week, The Posi Spotlight is focused on Rogers & Rosewater, a charity organization that brings hot homemade meals to those facing homelessness and hunger in the streets of Oakland every Wednesday night. The Rogers & Rosewater mission is to feed as many people as they can. The world we live in can be harsh and cruel to people-especially those who are experiencing homelessness. And all they want to be is the kindness in it - one  meal at a time. To learn more or make a donation to Rogers & Rosewater, you can visit rogersandrosewater.org.

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