Music Q&A with Marcel Dürr of SENNA


Photo courtesy of SENNA

Earlier this month, hard rock/progressive post-hardcore band, SENNA, announced their signing to SharpTone Records! In addition to the announcement, the band also released their debut EP, A Moment of Quiet. In this Q&A, guitarist, Marcel Dürr talked about the EP, Rammstein, and more! A Moment of Quiet is available for purchase HERE.

Congratulations on the signing of SharpTone Records and on the release of A Moment of Quiet! What does the EP mean to you?
Thank you! Personally, A Moment of Quiet is the first time I got to fully express my musical vision. At first, it was pretty scary to put my work out there like that, but everyone in the band has my back. For that I’m very grateful. This EP taught me to be less apologetic and just do whatever feels right.

What’s your favorite song off the EP?
Probably “Jade.” Just a very powerful song. It is also the most fun to play live as well!

What is your earliest musical memory?
I remember rocking out to “Sonne” by Rammstein when I was around 5 years old or so. It still took another 10 years for me to really get into metal music though.

What is one artist or band that you haven’t seen in concert, that you hope to see someday?
Coincidentally (or maybe not haha) Rammstein! I’m not even a huge fan of their music, but their live shows are just too ridiculous to not go at least once in your lifetime.

What is your favorite thing about making music?
Sometimes when working on a song, there is a moment where all the different ideas just fall in to place perfectly, it feels unreal! Hitting play and listening to what you created in that moment is probably the happiest I ever feel in my life.

We all have our days where it may not be going as well as we’d like. People deal with their worst days in different ways. What helps you get through the bad days? How do you stay positive?
I’m incredibly blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing people, where I feel comfortable enough to talk about my struggles. I think it is important that you’re not being judged when you’re the most vulnerable.

Thank you for taking the time for this Q&A. Any last words or final message for the readers?
Thank you so much for having us! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all the usual streaming platforms. We'd love to have you along for the ride!

SENNA on social media and digital streaming platforms:
Facebook | Instagram | Spotify | Apple Music